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AHTD Wrap up: Networking - The key to business success


Nothing is better than real live human interaction. The politicians call it “pressing the flesh,” industrial associations call it “networking,” and we at KYKLO call it FUN.   As a matter of fact, we go out of our way to interact with our clients, friends, and business allies on both a professional and informal basis.

Most of the meetings we (and our clients) attend are intense. Nationally known keynote speakers, meetings with channel partners that run from early morning till the wee hours of the evening, and dozens of other activities create a pressure cooker environment, even in the best of meeting locations.

Creating a more casual setting at the end of the day allows attendees to unwind, refocus, and engage in some powerful idea sharing.

KYKLO takes the concept to a new level by hosting an end of the event celebration – The KYKLO Party Bus.

At the Association for High Technology Distribution meetings, KYKLO annually hosts a Party Bus for partners, customers and friends. Here’s how it works: after the final meeting, KYKLO and our friends board one of those party buses and travel off-site for a celebration. There is food, adult-beverage, flashing lights, activities, and much good cheer. But networking is everyone’s favorite part.

We asked our favorite Iowan and great friend Frank Hurtte, of River Heights Consulting his thoughts on the affair. Here’s what he said:

“These AHTD Meetings are hard on the mind and brutal to the body. It’s three days of constant interaction with 300+ people. I try my best to speak to as many people as possible, but sometimes the interactions are rushed and superficial. Over the years, I have grown to know the leadership teams of at least a half dozen major companies based mostly on the relaxed conversations held on the KYKLO bus. Further, I might have never enjoyed the benefit of their friendship and support without this relaxed setting.”

Frank’s not the only one establishing deep ties on this outing. One couldn’t help but notice the small groups relating their experiences and action items gained during meetings over the past few days. For those of us at KYKLO, this interaction brings our clients together in new ways. Many others have told us some of the best ideas for growing their businesses have been a product of the late-night fun with KYKLO.

Before we go:

Product Information Management (PIM) systems have always been the fundamental core of KYKLO’s digitalization. It’s our secret sauce for success. And now, KYKLO is making this unique system available to others. But there is more… Monitor our website for a coming blog post on how this system might benefit your organization. 

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