This might be a great time to insert some worn out cliché. “Time passes quickly when you’re having a good time…” or “The whole thing seems like yesterday…” might be appropriate. But the journey from concept to business model, to successful tech start-up, and onto continued international growth and expansion has been filled with a colorfully swirling kaleidoscope of activities.
Looking back to 2015, KYKLO Founders Remi Ducrocq and Fabien Legouic recognized a major issue in the migration from traditional brick and mortar distribution to an omni-channeled digitalized approach to customer service. These two gentlemen employed their deep industry knowledge to create a set of tools for distributors. Many of these distributors might have otherwise found themselves locked out of one of the biggest business shifts in the past half century.
Fast forward to April 2018, Remi and Fabien came to their first distributor association meeting in North America; AHTD Spring 2018 in Coronado, California. After meetings with a dozen or so distributors, Mr. Legouic commented,
“After a few hours at this meeting, I felt like I was connecting with likeminded people, perhaps even friends. These are people who value the same ideas and pursue the same types of goals.” Today, KYKLO has hundreds of friends and followers in the industry. We have been blessed.
KYKLO’s team continues to grow. Most have no idea as to the extent of our growth; today we have people literally spanning the globe, and have more than doubled in size since the onset of Covid19. Our company photo is getting harder to produce. The coolest part is each new person brings a unique and fascinatingly new contribution to the company. One goal of our Founders was to create a family oriented and friendly work environment. Most would heartily agree the mission was accomplished.
One more point worth mentioning is KYKLO’s recent move into our Buffalo, New York Office. After occupying a temporary facility, we finished the buildout and moved into our new 5,400-square-foot North American Headquarters office. The new space features everything a person would expect in a modern technology-based facility. It has original hardwood floors, brick walls, floor-to-ceiling windows, 20+ ft ceilings, exposed ductwork found in other successful software businesses, open floor plan with call rooms, conference rooms, and a relaxation room. KYKLO has 11 employees in Buffalo and is actively expanding with other new positions.
No Birthday Toast Ends Gracefully
You may have noticed that even the most well-meaning of birthday toasts generally get bogged down near the end. When you are talking about your own birthday, the author walks a thin line – on one hand leaving out important points on the other hand, coming across as braggadocio. Rather than try to come up with the words to bring this article to a graceful end, allow us to toss out some statistics:
Number of individualized SKUs developed: 3,302,958.
Number of visitors to KYKLO powered web shops LAST WEEK ALONE: 300,000+.
Number of Languages Spoken by KYKLO staff members: 16
Number of Nationalities on Staff: 10
Number of ERP Companies that Integrate with KYKLO: 10
Continents with KYKLO Customers: 3
There is so much more on the short-term horizon. We will do our best to keep you abreast of everything happening in future months.
We will be at AHTD in Colorado
Nothing is quite as wonderful as meeting with old friends and making new ones! We will be at AHTD next month and would love to talk about how we might make your digital future bigger and brighter. Shoot us a message, give us a call, or send out a carrier pigeon, let’s get together!