Economists have been calling for a period of substantial growth in 2021 as we roll from the Pandemic shutdown to the new normal. The majority of these experts were calling for something over three-and-a-half percent with a few citing numbers approaching the five mark. The latest word from Goldman-Sachs points to goldrush numbers. Here are their words:
“We have raised our GDP forecast to reflect the latest fiscal policy news and now expect 8% growth in 2021 (Q4/Q4) and an unemployment rate of 4% at end-2021 — the lowest among consensus forecasts that falls to 3.5% in 2022 and 3.2% in 2023..."
This is good news for our industry and good news for KYKLO users. However, nestled in all this good comes a few concerns. Will KYKLO and our family of clients be ready? This turnaround in business has caught many incredibly good supply- partners off guard. Shortages of products and services have become a point of discussion for our industry. But you can rest assured KYKLO is ready. KYKLO has been adding to our staff and expanding our support of the distribution industry. By growing our team, we have continuously been growing our expertise and knowledge.

We are growing now because we anticipate growing needs from our current and future clients. KYKLO is ready now, and we plan to be ready in the future. Before we sign off March is Woman’s History Month. All the media buzz made us pause. Did you know 52 percent of the KYKLO team are females? What makes this even more relevant is females are rare in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) field.